
IPF 2024: Women in Wind

The Planet Beyond team has been recording live from the International Partnering Forum (IPF) 2024 in New Orleans. In this episode, host Jon Baston-Pitt is joined by three prominent women leaders in the offshore wind industry in the Americas: Liz Burdock from Oceantic Network, Jennifer Cullen from Vineyard Wind, and Celine Gerson from Fugro. The…

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IPF 2024: Offshore wind and sustainable ocean management

How can the offshore wind industry balance environmental stewardship, community engagement, and economic growth to drive the global energy transition? In this episode, recorded live at the International Partnering Forum (IPF) in New Orleans, Jon Baston-Pitt is joined by Karen Baker, and Jean-Stéphane Naas, to discuss the challenges of marine spatial planning, community engagement, and…

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IPF 2024: From Land to Sea – A developer’s perspective

The Planet Beyond team has been recording live from the International Partnering Forum (IPF) 2024 in New Orleans. In this episode of the Planet Beyond IPF mini-series, host Jon Baston-Pitt is joined by industry experts to explore the journey of developers transitioning from land-based to offshore wind projects in the United States. Ken Kimmell, Alberto…

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Episode 26: Energy Transition – No Miracles Needed

In 2023 the world entered its El Niño cycle of warmer oceanic currents. Without the moderating effect of the cooler La Niña effects, climate records have been tumbling – in many cases smashed by several standard deviations. Sea ice is at record lows, and North Atlantic surface temperatures are, in places, up to 5°C warmer…

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Episode 5: The rise of Floating Wind

From the US and Korea to Scotland and Portugal exciting things are happening in the world of wind energy. Instead of building offshore wind farms close to shore, the successful deployment of floating platforms for turbines is opening the vast ocean to renewable energy development.  The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) predicts commercial deployment of…

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