
Episode 44: Biodiversity and Policy Setting in Offshore Wind

Offshore wind farms are key to supplying the energy the world needs, sustainably and reliably. We know they are vital to meeting our decarbonisation goals; but we don’t fully understand their impact on ecosystems. With thousands of turbines due to be installed over the next decade, we must build our knowledge of their interactions with…

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Ocean Decade 24: Resources and partnerships for the Ocean Decade

In this final episode of our Ocean Decade mini-series, released on World Oceans Day, we focus on the last of the Barcelona conference’s five plenary sessions, Resources and partnerships for the Ocean Decade.  In the plenary, Alfredo Giron moderated a panel discussing collaborations in support of the Decade’s goal of promoting ‘the science we need,…

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Short: Jon Baston-Pitt – Doing Business Better

The Planet Beyond podcast turned two this summer. In its first two years it has been joined by guests from the worlds of politics, of exploration, of science and of engineering. Each guest has been interviewed with the aim of understanding how to do business better. At the heart of this journey has been its…

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Short: Louis Demargne, Sharing data to save oceans

The world’s oceans are vital to maintaining the health of our planet, but are also one of its last unmapped territories. UNESCO and the Ocean Decade programme team have reached an important milestone. They have kicked-off the Ocean Decade Corporate Data Group to develop a framework for privately-collected ocean data to be made publicly available…

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Episode 6: Floating Wind’s Environmental Potential

By 2050 it is forecast that 75% of global electricity will come from renewable generation making wind energy critical in fighting the climate crisis. In this episode we hear that by sitting out in deep waters floating wind could not only become a viable solution to the energy transition, it can also be a hub…

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