Ocean Decade

Ocean Decade 24: Resources and partnerships for the Ocean Decade

In this final episode of our Ocean Decade mini-series, released on World Oceans Day, we focus on the last of the Barcelona conference’s five plenary sessions, Resources and partnerships for the Ocean Decade.  In the plenary, Alfredo Giron moderated a panel discussing collaborations in support of the Decade’s goal of promoting ‘the science we need,…

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Ocean Decade 24 — Science and Solutions for a Sustainable and Resilient Ocean Economy 

In this second full-length episode recorded live at the UN Ocean Decade conference we hear from participants in the second plenary session of the event, on Science and Solutions for a Sustainable and Resilient Ocean Economy. In the session—and in their conversation with Jon Baston-Pitt—Claire Jolly, from the OECD; Sergi Tudela, from Catalonia’s regional government;…

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Ocean Decade 24 – Science and solutions for a Clean, Healthy and Resilient Ocean

The UN Ocean Decade conference took place in Barcelona in April 2024. The Planet Beyond team was there, recording episodes at our on-site studio. During the conference, we released three short episodes looking at each day’s agenda. And we recorded interviews for five long episodes that will run every fortnight, up until Ocean Day, June…

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Ocean Decade 24 – Collaboration and determination

This week, Planet Beyond is recording live at the 2024 Ocean Decade conference in Barcelona. In this last of our three daily live episodes, we speak to Jyotika Virmani, executive director of the Schmidt Ocean Institute, a non-profit foundation established in 2009. The Institute’s goal is to advance innovative oceanographic research and discovery. It provides…

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Ocean Decade 24 – Inspire the blue economy

This week, Planet Beyond is recording live at the 2024 Ocean Decade conference in Barcelona. In this second of our three daily live episodes, we look back over the first day of the event, and look forward to the next. We speak to Ambassador Peter Thomson, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean….

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Short: Louis Demargne, Sharing data to save oceans

The world’s oceans are vital to maintaining the health of our planet, but are also one of its last unmapped territories. UNESCO and the Ocean Decade programme team have reached an important milestone. They have kicked-off the Ocean Decade Corporate Data Group to develop a framework for privately-collected ocean data to be made publicly available…

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Short: Understanding the Oceans

In some ways more is known about the surface of Mars than our own planet. With over 70% of the Earth’s surface covered in ocean, more than 75% of this watery space has never been mapped.   This daunting data hole prevents search and rescue teams from performing vital work, such as like searching for…

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