
Short: Leon Koning – Back on Dry Land

In December, Planet Beyond talked to Leon Koning about his ambitious plans to cross the Atlantic with three teammates as Team Row4Cancer, part of the World’s Toughest Row. He set out with four goals: getting to the finish line, beating the rest of the teams, beating the world record, and remaining friends with his fellow…

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Episode 43: The Mental Groundwork of Infrastructure

Infrastructure projects transform our world. Our ability to travel and to work, our individual health and our community cohesion, are all built upon the successes of infrastructural engineering. But these projects routinely underperform. They are delivered late, and over budget. Around the world, we consistently see projects delayed by unexpected ground conditions. In this episode,…

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Short: Dan Smith – A Career with Impact

How can you build a career with impact? Dan Smith has a simple rule: ‘Follow your interests—when you look back, it will look like you had a plan’. Dan’s first interest was in cooking, and he started his career as a chef. But when he realised that he would not reach the Michelin-starred heights of…

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Episode 42: Samsø’s Community-Led Energy Transition

Samsø, a small Danish island, with a population of just 3,700, has revolutionised its energy landscape. Chosen in 1997 by the Danish government as a social innovation project, the Samsø community has since developed wind farms, solar panels and home grown biofuels that have allowed the island to achieve 100% energy independence, powered entirely by…

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Short: Jessica Pacifico — Bringing Out the Best in People

Throughout her career, Jessica Pacifico has always chosen the hardest path: learning Latin at high school, achieving a master’s degree in chemical engineering, then switching to IP law and studying, initially, in Dutch, a language that she did not, at that time, speak. With a life course like that, some failures are inevitable. But Jessica…

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Short: Leon Koning – Rowing for a World Record

What does it mean to reach for a dream? 18 months ago Leon Koning, a keen cyclist, got to know Mark Slats. Slats was training to complete 10 Ironman triathlons in 10 days. He needed a training buddy as he prepared, and Leon agreed to help. As they trained, the two decided on their next…

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Episode 41: Coral Reefs, Data, and Decision Making

A wave of change has swept through the world of coral reef science, as scientists develop new ways to collect, collate and analyse data. The reefs are vital to the health of the planet, and humanity: while they cover only 0.2% of the seafloor, they support at least 25% of marine species. And they play…

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Short: Olga Nefedova – Embracing Strategic Curiosity

Olga Nefedova’s career has taken her from the oilfields of Western Siberia, and across continents, to the most senior roles of Fugro, via a role at famed management consultants McKinsey. Along the way, she has developed an approach to strategy that fosters a childlike delight in fearless experimentation and the ‘heart filling joy’ of problem…

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Episode 40: Community Engagement for a Just Energy Transition

We will all bear the brunt of climate change without a rapid transition to renewables. But as we move through the energy transition, communities hosting new power generation facilities will see the landscape around them change. To ensure that the benefits of the energy transition are shared by all, the Scottish government worked with wind…

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Short: Helen West’s Ten-Year Career Plans

One day, taking a gearbox out of a vehicle in the middle of the night as a 17-year-old apprentice automotive engineer Helen West had a flash of realisation: “I can’t be doing this when I’m 30!” Today, Helen is global director, marine asset integrity, at Fugro. In this episode, she shares how she plans and…

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Episode 39: Mapping Italy’s Seagrass for Biodiversity Gain

The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has a 100 year history of mapping the world’s oceans. John Nyberg, technical director, explains how the organisation’s role in understanding our oceans is evolving. Now, rather than just recording ocean depths for mariners, the organisation is setting standards for how we record environmental data. In Italy, this approach is…

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Short: TreVaughn Ellis, Lampreys, and Black in Marine Science

TreVaughn Ellis is a recent graduate of American University, and winner of the Scott A. Bass Outstanding Scholarship Award. During his studies, he interned as a researcher with the National Marine Fisheries Service, part of NOAA, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in Alaska. In this episode, he describes his research in Alaska, where…

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Episode 38: The Power of Youth

Young people have the most to lose from climate change, but are not given a voice or a vote in how the crisis is tackled. In this episode, Jon Baston-Pitt speaks to three young women, Raina Ivanova, Chloe McKenna and Paula Garcia Rodriguez, who are taking action to make sure their voices—and those of their…

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Episode 37: Is AI Key to Humanity’s Future?

In this Planet Beyond episode hosted by Jon Baston-Pitt, experts Irina Mirkina from UNICEF, Marek Kowalkiewicz from QUT Business School, and Pawel Michalak from Fugro discuss the future of AI and its wide-ranging impact on society. Beyond just language models, like ChatGPT, they highlight its role in disaster management, climate modelling, and decision-making processes. In…

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Short: Merouane Debbah on AI Sustainability

In this Planet Beyond Shortcast, host Jon Baston-Pitt delves into the environmental costs that come along with the transformative potential of AI. Training and serving AI models requires vast amounts of energy, and water used in cooling server farms. Jon is joined by Merouane Debbah, AI researcher, professor at Khalifa University and senior advisor at…

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IPF 2024: Future Voices: Emerging Leaders in Offshore Wind

In this final episode of our International Partnering Forum miniseries, we explore how the dynamic American offshore wind industry is attracting a passionate and diverse workforce of young professionals eager to tackle climate change and make a difference. Jon Baston-Pitt is joined by Samantha Mullen from RWE, Sarah Schwitzer from PEAK Wind, and Darcy Caja…

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Episode 36: Landslide and Slope Stability

At night on May 24, 2024, a devastating landslide hit the village of Yambali, in Papua New Guinea. It took a week for rescuers to just reach the site, with heavy rain, poor roads, and ongoing conflict hindering access. The same factors have made the scale of the devastation hard to assess, but reports suggest…

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IPF 2024: Women in Wind

The Planet Beyond team has been recording live from the International Partnering Forum (IPF) 2024 in New Orleans. In this episode, host Jon Baston-Pitt is joined by three prominent women leaders in the offshore wind industry in the Americas: Liz Burdock from Oceantic Network, Jennifer Cullen from Vineyard Wind, and Celine Gerson from Fugro. The…

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Short: Plastic Punch and Citizen Science

In this episode of Planet Beyond, host Jon Baston-Pitt speaks with Richmond Quarcoo, founder and director of Plastic Punch. Richmond shares the origins of Plastic Punch, which began after discovering sea turtles tangled in plastic waste along the beaches in Ghana. The organisation uses citizen science to address marine litter and inspire behavioural change. One…

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IPF 2024: Offshore wind innovation

How will innovation impact the future of the offshore industry? In this fourth episode of the Planet Beyond IPF mini-series, recorded live at the IPF conference in New Orleans, we discuss the cutting-edge innovations shaping the burgeoning offshore wind industry in the US. Jon Baston-Pitt is joined by guests Deanne Hargrave of Atlantic Shores Offshore…

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Episode 35: Scaling Ocean Technology through public private collaboration

How can we map, model and analyse the impacts of climate change and mitigation actions on oceans and coasts around the world? In this episode, a supplement to Planet Beyond’s Ocean Decade miniseries, Jon Baston-Pitt talks to leading marine scientists about the development of ocean forecasting, and the more recent development of The Digital Twins…

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Short: Ross MacFarlane – Turning Challenges into Triumphs

Every challenge is an opportunity for growth: that’s a key takeaway from Ross MacFarlane and Hidayat Alizada. Both of our interviewees have achieved personal sporting success, while supporting good causes. Ross, Remote Operations Centre Manager at Fugro in Dubai, shares insights into resilience and determination. He discusses his passion for triathlons and marathons, overcoming setbacks…

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Episode 34: A globe-spanning eye into the deep past

The SKAO, or Square Kilometre Array Observatory, will allow scientists to peer through time into the universe’s distant past. Its telescope arrays in South Africa and Australia, along with its HQ at Jodrell Bank in the UK, have been designed to capture a picture of the universe as the first galaxies formed, the so-called ‘epoch…

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Short: Dakota Peebler on youth activism in ocean conservation

What will be the future of our planet? Dakota Peebler, an 18-year-old leader in ocean conservation, emphasises the crucial role of collective youth action in shaping a better future for our planet. Dakota, co-founder of Heirs To Our Ocean, shares her incredible journey from childhood fascination to leading a movement for ocean preservation. She discusses…

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Ocean Decade 24 – Setting the Scene

This week, the Planet Beyond team are recording live at the 2024 Ocean Decade conference in Barcelona. At the event, delegates will focus on delivering essential science for sustainable oceans. This episode is the first of three shorts to be released during the Ocean Decade Conference, to bring you the sounds and ideas from the…

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Episode 33: Epic Swim Maui and the value of our ocean

In a little over a week, Planet Beyond will be recording live at the UN Ocean Decade conference in Barcelona. In the run up to the event, we’re considering the value of oceans. In our last episode, we looked at the value of the ocean as a way to store carbon and mitigate the effects…

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Short: Femke De Jager on failing better

How do we innovate? Often, says Femke De Jager, by failing. The keys to success are resilience and persistence. It’s all about trying things out, sometimes failing, but always learning. Throughout her career, Femke has focussed on developing new ways of managing and maintaining assets, at world leading companies including PwC and ConQuaestor, DSM and…

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Episode 32: Mangroves, drones, and data

We need to manage our coast lines to reduce the impact of climate change. But coastal areas, and mangroves in particular, also offer one of the most effective naturebased mechanisms for capturing carbon. At COP 28 in the UAE last November, the importance of the oceans to climate change was a key focus, and the…

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Short: Michael Neuhaus – A career in listening

How can business development professionals help customers find solutions they may not even know they need? That has been Michael Neuhaus’s mission, in a career at Fugro spanning three decades. Every sales professional needs a compelling product to offer customers. That was what Neuhaus had, as he started his career, with Fugro’s pioneering cone penetration…

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Short: Jeff Richardson on the UK’s HM Coastguard

Jeff Richardson is an experienced Remote Operations Centre Manager however, we spoke to him for this episode not about his job but what it is he does in his spare time: he is a dedicated volunteer Coast Guard rescue officer. He shares with us his experiences, and explains what drives him to take on two…

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Short: Katherine Scrimgeour on thinking differently

Earlier this year, Katherine Scrimgeour posted on LinkedIn about her own experiences of dealing with dyslexia. It’s a condition that can undermine confidence at work, but that doesn’t mean it should hold anyone back. It struck a chord with Planet Beyond host Jon Baston-Pitt, who also experiences dyslexia. In this short, Jon and Katherine talk…

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Episode 30: Cutting Carbon at sea

As we travel through the energy transition, we must rapidly develop new forms of propulsion that reduce or eliminate carbon emissions. This has been a key driver of research and development at vessel builder SEA-KIT International. Jon Baston-Pitt first spoke to SEA-KIT CEO Ben Simpson almost two years ago, for Episode 16 of the Planet…

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Short: David Tindall – From rocks to innovation

How does experience in the field inform product innovation? David Tindall trained as a geologist, before working as a cone penetration testing (CPT) truck operator. After years travelling the world, he took up a role as Global Product Owner, Geotechnical Equipment, at Fugro. In this role, he leads innovation in many of the key land-based…

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Episode 29: Women inspiring girls, in sport and business

How can we help the next generation of girls set and achieve their goals? Often, by showing them what other women have achieved, and sharing the expertise they developed on the way. This autumn, championship winning golfer Kylie Henry shared her expertise with young golfers at a Girls Golf Day at Castle Buchanan, near Glasgow….

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Short: Paul Lawrie – Learning and Mentoring

Paul Lawrie has had an impressive career as a golf pro, with 19 professional wins to his name. But he was a latecomer to the game. He only focussed on golf once he had accepted he wasn’t going to make it as a professional footballer. The secret to his success was the hard work of…

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Episode 28: Why Men Win at Work

Over twenty years at Procter & Gamble, Gill Whitty-Collins rose to become SVP Europe, India, Middle East & Africa. In this role, she led the turnaround of global leading brands such as Always, Pantene, and Olay. But when she reached the top, she found herself in an overwhelmingly male environment. She was one of the…

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Episode 27: Managing Earthquake Risk

In February 2023 a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit near the Turkish Syrian border. Tens of thousands of people lost their lives and millions have been left homeless. It is one of the most devastating earthquakes to ever hit the region impacting an area the size of Germany. Earthquakes have always been near impossible to predict,…

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Short: Helen Stewart – Soft Skills for Science

Helen Stewart is a hydrographer in the coastal resilience and ocean science division at Fugro. In this shortcast we talk about her recent keynote for the International Hydrographic Review which focuses on the importance of soft skills when working in a scientific field. Developing these skills isn’t something that always came easily to Helen but…

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Episode 26: Energy Transition – No Miracles Needed

In 2023 the world entered its El Niño cycle of warmer oceanic currents. Without the moderating effect of the cooler La Niña effects, climate records have been tumbling – in many cases smashed by several standard deviations. Sea ice is at record lows, and North Atlantic surface temperatures are, in places, up to 5°C warmer…

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Short: Myrna Staring – Understanding Each Other

Myrna Staring is innovation lead at Fugro, leading a team of innovation engineers working on active and passive seismic technologies for near-surface characterisation. Her work contributes to the development of tools for infrastructure and renewables developments. In this episode, she talks about the value of different kinds of empathy in building a diverse workforce. Myrna…

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Short: Daniela Taliana – Spreading the art bug

Daniela Taliana is geoscience manager at Fugro in Italy. Like our host, Jon, she has a passion for rocks. But in this episode she tells us about another passion: for art. Daniela is president of the volunteer arts association, Spazi all’Arte, or ‘Spaces for Art’, which seeks to foster collaborative and inclusive public art in…

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Episode 24: The resilience mindset

We live in a world of unparalleled complexity and risk. The structure of our societies rests upon a stack of services—utilities, communications, banking, transport, among others—that themselves rely on a mix of public services and private businesses, both large and small. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses. All face threats from bad actors, and…

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Episode 23: Data and insurance emergency response

When catastrophe strikes, the top priority is to get those affected to safety. But almost as urgent is the need to get businesses and utilities up and running again. A rapid response to claims can make the difference between people getting on with their lives, and suffering harm that ripples through their community. Hurricane Ian…

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Short: Yvan Petillot – Looking to nature, and beyond

Yvan Petillot is joint academic lead at the National Robotarium, in Edinburgh. In this shortcast, he talks to Jon Baston-Pitt about some of the key challenges faced in controlling remotely operated vehicles (ROV) underwater. The core problem is data transfer speeds. And that’s why researchers have turned to nature and creatures like dolphins, to understand…

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Short: Denise Swanborn – Exploring oceans in a submersible

Denise Swanborn is an expedition manager with Nekton.  She recently completed her PhD in marine science, at Oxford. In this episode, recorded on International Women’s Day, she talks to Jon Baston-Pitt about her own path to marine exploration, and describes the excitement and wonder of a career spent exploring the depths. Denise’s work has taken…

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Episode 18: The Award Winning Episode

The UK’s Ground Engineering Awards have recognised Fugro as the Ground Investigation Specialist of the Year 2022. We explore the importance of articulating progress on projects with the award winning team, who faced the almost impossible task of demonstrating Fugro’s full capability and achievements in just 20 minutes! It required dedication, connection, passion and purpose,…

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Episode 15: The Future of Ocean Technology

Good intentions alone will not secure the future of our seas. More than 90% of trade moves across the ocean, and the global population eyes the marine environment as an increasing source of food. Added to this, a range of new activities are forecast to increase the ocean economy from $1.5 trillion in 2010 to…

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Episode 8: Climbing Mountains with Mark Heine

Mark Heine has been with Fugro since 2000 and CEO since 2018 and although gathering data about our planet has been his passion since studying geodetic engineering at Delft University, mountaineering is his first love. At just 10 years old Mark conquered his first summit and after that he was hooked. His hobby has taken him to the top…

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Episode 6: Floating Wind’s Environmental Potential

By 2050 it is forecast that 75% of global electricity will come from renewable generation making wind energy critical in fighting the climate crisis. In this episode we hear that by sitting out in deep waters floating wind could not only become a viable solution to the energy transition, it can also be a hub…

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Episode 3: Ocean Science For Planetary Health

We have one planet and one ocean system but its health is in rapid decline. We bring together leading experts to discuss how science could save our oceans. The timing could not be more critical as 2021 saw the launch of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science. The initiative aims to improve our understanding…

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Episode 2: Innovation for Transformation

In this episode, a panel of experts representing established, leading companies as well as new technology disruptors tackle one of the most difficult issues of our time: climate change. Specifically, how industry can innovate and transform to better overcome the emerging challenges. We discuss how to create a beehive of collaboration, not only within a…

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Episode 1: Saving the South Pacific

Introducing Fugro’s Planet Beyond podcast. In this inaugural episode we look at the islands of the South Pacific, whose inhabitants are among the first to experience the hardships of climate change. Sea level rises, coupled with more frequent and more extreme weather events, are impacting the lives of these low-lying coastal communities. We are joined…

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