
Episode 44: Biodiversity and Policy Setting in Offshore Wind

Offshore wind farms are key to supplying the energy the world needs, sustainably and reliably. We know they are vital to meeting our decarbonisation goals; but we don’t fully understand their impact on ecosystems. With thousands of turbines due to be installed over the next decade, we must build our knowledge of their interactions with…

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Episode 42: Samsø’s Community-Led Energy Transition

Samsø, a small Danish island, with a population of just 3,700, has revolutionised its energy landscape. Chosen in 1997 by the Danish government as a social innovation project, the Samsø community has since developed wind farms, solar panels and home grown biofuels that have allowed the island to achieve 100% energy independence, powered entirely by…

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Episode 40: Community Engagement for a Just Energy Transition

We will all bear the brunt of climate change without a rapid transition to renewables. But as we move through the energy transition, communities hosting new power generation facilities will see the landscape around them change. To ensure that the benefits of the energy transition are shared by all, the Scottish government worked with wind…

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Short: Merouane Debbah on AI Sustainability

In this Planet Beyond Shortcast, host Jon Baston-Pitt delves into the environmental costs that come along with the transformative potential of AI. Training and serving AI models requires vast amounts of energy, and water used in cooling server farms. Jon is joined by Merouane Debbah, AI researcher, professor at Khalifa University and senior advisor at…

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Episode 30: Cutting Carbon at sea

As we travel through the energy transition, we must rapidly develop new forms of propulsion that reduce or eliminate carbon emissions. This has been a key driver of research and development at vessel builder SEA-KIT International. Jon Baston-Pitt first spoke to SEA-KIT CEO Ben Simpson almost two years ago, for Episode 16 of the Planet…

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Episode 26: Energy Transition – No Miracles Needed

In 2023 the world entered its El Niño cycle of warmer oceanic currents. Without the moderating effect of the cooler La Niña effects, climate records have been tumbling – in many cases smashed by several standard deviations. Sea ice is at record lows, and North Atlantic surface temperatures are, in places, up to 5°C warmer…

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Short: Deploying remote operated vehicles from uncrewed vessels

Remotely operated vehicles can perform inspections efficiently and effectively without risk to humans. However, they can require time-consuming returns to port for reconfiguration. Mark Bruce has been working to develop electric ROVs that can be deployed from uncrewed surface vessels and pack more sensors in a way that allows them to operate without interruption or…

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Episode 11: Alaska – North to the Future

One fifth the size of the continental US, Alaska stands as America’s only Arctic state. And when it was founded, Alaska was given a special deal. Too remote for full Federal infrastructure funding, Alaska would have to pay for its own needs from the wealth locked away below its frozen soil.  For many years this…

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Episode 2: Innovation for Transformation

In this episode, a panel of experts representing established, leading companies as well as new technology disruptors tackle one of the most difficult issues of our time: climate change. Specifically, how industry can innovate and transform to better overcome the emerging challenges. We discuss how to create a beehive of collaboration, not only within a…

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