In December, Planet Beyond talked to Leon Koning about his ambitious plans to cross the Atlantic with three teammates as Team Row4Cancer, part of the World’s Toughest Row. He set out with four goals: getting to the finish line, beating the rest of the teams, beating the world record, and remaining friends with his fellow rowers.

In this short, Leon returns to Planet Beyond, following his arrival back on dry land. The team achieved three of their four goals, he tells host Jon Baston-Pitt. He shares the physical and emotional challenges of the row and we learn how the team kept themselves motivated, through the headwinds of their 5,000km journey.

As their row reached its final days, the team looked forward to their return to their friends and families, and to fresh food. Leon tells us about enjoying the world’s best burger, and about a key lesson he learned from the voyage: whatever goals you have on your list, the best time to do them is now.


Jon Baston-Pitt, Fugro


Leon Koning, Legal Counsel, Europe and Africa, Fugro