Good intentions alone will not secure the future of our seas. More than 90% of trade moves across the ocean, and the global population eyes the marine environment as an increasing source of food. Added to this, a range of new activities are forecast to increase the ocean economy from $1.5 trillion in 2010 to $3 trillion in 2030.

Even if we take the enlightened path and use the oceans sustainably, we will be putting a greater burden on them than ever before. We can take our courage from wherever we like, but we must take our tools from science.

In this episode we look at the collection of ocean data and geo-data to make the right decisions, and new methods for sustainable, low carbon operations that allow to not only limit our growing impact, but reduce it.


Jon Baston-Pitt


Mark Heine, Chief Executive Officer, Fugro

James Ives, Chief Executive Officer, XOCEAN